Good News! The building works are almost complete
and we expect to be back in the Sanctuary from
Sunday 13th October
Sunday Worship in September
1st @ 10:30am Rev Gillian Baalham/Rev Ben Scrivens
Dedication of the new St Paul's Boys' Brigade company
8th @10:30am Holy Communion with Rev Gillian Baalham
15th @ 10:30am Speaker from The Easter Team
22nd @ 10:30am Mrs Linda Little
29th @ 10:30am Mr John Starling
Monthly Contemporary Worship
Monthly on Fridays @ 6:45pm
September 27th, October 25th, November 22nd
Loaves and Fishes café
Open 10:30-1:30 Monday-Thursday
in school term time for
drinks, cakes and light lunches